Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Le Tourment Vert /el tormento verde

Le Tourment Vert /el tormento verde
Originally uploaded by nopantsboy

I been drinking Absinthe since the only way to get it was to smuggle it across the border inside a dead Hooker, that stuff was as good as it got, however , after drinking Le Tourment I realized one needs not to drink stuff that tastes and burns like rubbing alcohol with licorice sticks to enjoy Absonthe, hey if you are out there trying to be a purist go ahead and burn your nose hairs in Kubler or some Czech stuff, but if you are pass the bravado of youth and want to be part of the ritual try this brand, the difference between Le tourment and other more ”traditional” brands is the same as a one night stand and a decent long-term relatioinship, sure the one night stand is fun, loud , hardcore and make you do things you’ll pretend you dont remember but you can’t bring that home to moma

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Bitch to Nowhere

A Bitch to Nowhere
Originally uploaded by nopantsboy
Sarah Palin trying her hand at mud slinging reminds me of the monkeys at the zoo that throw shit whenever they get upset, ok, so being on the side of the fence that gets the shit is no fun, but monkey still has to put her hand on shit in order to throw it.

so lets talk about the shit in monkey Palin's hands

last year: (not 40 years ago)
Sarah Palin recorded a speech for the Alaskan Independence party
convention, this sounds fine, after all, independence party has a nice ring to it.
well, ..almost,
The party was founded by Joe Vogler who wanted Alaska to secede(so much for putting country first) the same Joe Vogler who once said:
"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

Once again just like the monkeys by trying to sling shit over the fence with a lame attempt at connecting Bill Ayers to senator Obama, she has left herself open to ''fair'' shots , so I can say

Sarah Palin has been pallin' round with Joe Vogler

By the Way if she thinks is fair to bring up Reverend Wright, then I assume you aggree it is fair to bring up Reverend Muthee (go look him up, homeslice is nucking futs)
ok maybe that one is not fair, Obama cut all ties with his (now former) spiritual advisor and Palin still gives Muthee credit for putting her on the path.

there you go again Sarah

Being a maverick ,thinking no one will look into your past because if they do you'll start crying '' the elitist media is being mean to me again'' well fucksake what are you going to do if Mcain dies and god forbid you become number one? are you going to cry when Putin rears ''its'' head again ? are you going to ask Kim Jong Il to play nice ?

for the sake of all of us I hope she starts thinking soon, not about anything in particular i just hope she starts thinking soon.

And dont even get me started on the fucking bridge to nowhere!!!!!