Monday, September 22, 2008

Live from New York is Savings aNd Loan, featuring musical guest The Keating Five

Let's talk about experience

The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, The five senators, Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), and Donald W. Riegle.

The senate ethics committee criticized Mcain for excercising ''poor judgement''

forward to 1999
Mcain helped pass the deregulation of Wall Street reducing the oversight of the banking industry.

he learned nothing

Mcain has taken pride on calling himself the deregulator that was until last week .

He claims to be the experienced candidate but fails to tell you what kind of experience he is talking about.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Down Yonder

down yonder by the dry river bed

Some folks come a told me they saw my pa' runnin hooch out the back porch, but daddy was no hooch man, pa done had his moment of clarity and quit bending the elbow long before that old river gone dry iself' (,so my mama says.) now see he'a, i gots to splain' daddy did high tail'd it out of his compromises when i was a spring chicken and thats why i had to go see meself bouts that shed, see if the story they was selling was worth to buy, but when i done got there all was left is the groans of the abandon'd and the smells of the gone , but yous know thats my cross to bear, that it matter none to me if it sounds like the fabrication of a mean spirited person, all i have to hear is that they done seen a man with a silver toof and a gimp to his step pullin tricks on other folks and iam gone long before they finish tellin me the particulars, just like right now, i done heard theres a feller buyin silver for gold and they say he walks like a pimp so i got to go

You wont believe what happened

now that i got you attention .
Here it is
It seems to me that this country is not listening

The McCain campaign has announced, that Governor Sarah Palin will not talk to investigators looking into her firing of Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Palin had previously promised to cooperate fully. She said she‘d welcome the investigation initially.
They claim that Democrats in Alaska have taken control of the investigation for political purposes. This, even though, last week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers, including two Democrats and three Republicans issued 13 subpoenas.

What are you hiding Sarah? Cheney anyone? Rove?

Sarah Palin ordered city employees not to talk to the press.
Palin has left a trail of fired professionals in her wake replaced by friends from school and church. As the “Times” put it, quote, “The Wasilla High School yearbook archive now doubles as a veritable directory of state government.”


So iam fighting tits with tits iam going for the nascar crowd, those who get their news from FOX ''news'' , those people who will vote for Mcain because 'he seems like a guy i could have a beer with and Obama sounds like he is better than us''
well fuck! i dont want a guy like me running the white house, I want someone smarter than me i want someone who went to a good school, i want someone who knows what the Bush doctrine means i want someone who knows it wasn't Iraq that caused the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11. I want someone who knows this country is in economic trouble, so fuck Sarah Palin and fuck John Mcain.

for those who dont like what i have to say at least you got to see a better pair of boobs those that the republican ticket is offering

Friday, September 19, 2008

I love my car

I love my car
Originally uploaded by nopantsboy
For 8 years we been taking our car to the same mechanic, and it never gets fixed, even after throwing money on top of money our car seems to be getting worst every day to a point where we dont know if tomorrow we are going to have a way to go to work but 4 years ago when we had a chance to switch mechanics we didnt, we kept the same guy because he was good at telling us how the other guy wouldn't know how to fix the problems he had ''discovered'' while working on another part of our engine, so we kept him and more money was needed and then some more, well, in a few weeks our current mechanic is going to retire and we have the choice of kepping our car (which is currently broken)in the same garage, oh sure, they want to put a new guy in charge but it is the same garage and their new mechanic doesn't seem to know what is wrong with our car, he wants us to leave our car with him for an estimate before he can fix the problems the other guy caused ,he is now blaming his predecesor for the mess our car is in, but at the same time he always agreed with our old mechanic.

Iam taking my car to a new garage because it would be stupid too keep it with the same guys that broke it and because i love my car and hope to one day leave it to my daughter