Friday, February 20, 2009

Book Review

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Originally uploaded by nopantsboy
The Book

One hand jerking
reports from an investigative satirist
by Paul Krassner

My review
Extreme of conciousness

Paul Krassner's book has been on my shelf for a few months and this is where i stopped this review , i don't know if it was because i wanted to explain why it was there so long or because the tv, the baby, the ding of the microwave took me away from my desk for a few minutes but that explains why it was shelved for so long, I just don't have a lot of time, then this week i joined a grup here on Buzznet and work happened to slow down a bit so Kressner came with me to the graveyard shift and in between talking to criminals, nurses, broke ass people, hungry people, and fucktards i got some reading done.
He (Krassner) starts at age six, he talks about his beginings he talks about The Realist , about Reagan (president), Manson (Charles not Marilyn), Lenny Bruce he talks about the movement on the sixties , about the first amendment , he talks about drugs and paranoia , oh yeah. back in his day people were paranoid about the CIA and the FBI listening in our converstations and now we have given them permission to do just that i think this is where i started thinking about how Hunter S. Thompson offed himself , maybe he knew he was a dying breed i think Krassner knows this too , there is nothing left to the left, there are no secrets, there are no conspiracies there is no need for journalism not even the satiric kind is all about entertainment, the masses do not want to be enlightened they just want to be entertained, what would H.S.Thompson be writing about today? would he dye his hair pink and get herpes from some starlet in Hollywood? what is left for Krassner to do other than partake in this form of public wanking ? the revolution was fought it was televised on pay-per view and we got nothing but commercials , we became a nation of sheep thinking we were wolves but we still got fucked by the farmer, i dont know , what is it that you want me to say? that this book was great? heh.. it was alright he is a good writer he is funny but he should have died when he had a chance to become a legend, I don't mean he deserves to die is just that he could have been remembered as the guy that exposed Lyndon B Johnson for fucking the corpse of J.F.K on the neck, instead he wrote about him writing, snap, snap snap, head bobble watheva! hey like he says ''Irreverence is our only sacred cow''
and it might be true but no one prays here no mo'

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Originally uploaded by nopantsboy
no words can describe it